Divot Replacement
Replacing your divot is important to the game of golf. Not only does it show consideration to the course, but also to your fellow members and guests. Replacing your divot is the preferable method, because it has the best chance to recover and it typically provides a superior lie compared to a divot filled with sand.
Although replacing your divot is preferred, golfers should have the ability to repair damage from the divot with sand. It is common for divots to blow apart on impact leaving the divot in many pieces and making it inadequate to replace.
Last week the Course and Grounds Department reintroduced the divot boxes and divot bottles to the golf course. We currently have two bottle styles. The larger bottles have more than enough sand and seed for an entire round of golf and are mainly for people with pull carts or power carts. The smaller bottles only have enough sand to fill 3-4 divots, and are designed to clip onto your bag for golfers who prefer to walk. Bottles can be found on the first tee. In addition we have incorporated fill stations throughout the course. At the fill stations you can leave your empty bottle and pick up a new one as you go through the course.
Fill stations are located on:
1 Tee
2 Tee
5 Tee
10 Tee
13 Tee
Remember when filling in your divot, it is important leave it smooth and level with the surface. The best way to accomplish this is to generously add sand to the divot and then smooth the surface with your foot. Replacing Divots and utilizing the proper methods will improve playability on the fairways and increase enjoyment.